Pervs, pervs everywhere

By Anonymous - 11/08/2012 10:33 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I was on the bus when I felt a big yawn coming on, one so big that my mouth stretched and my eyes closed. It was at this point that the strange man beside me decided to lean over at lightning speed and put his tongue in my mouth. Technically it was my first kiss. I'm 21 years-old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 289
You deserved it 5 538

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why we cover our mouths when we yawn.

KiiwiiRox 6

I hope you punched him right after. That's sick and wrong...


Slender_Man 6

If it has to do with the mouth then it is oral

I hope you know better than to yawn without covering your mouth, now. That's nasty, on both accounts.

Maybe next time you'll cover your mouth. Did you kiss him back? ... Wasn't sure if the above questions being asked 50 times was enough, so I thought I'd go for a 51st.

I almost need mouthwash just reading about that! EW!

I wonder how long he remained seated next to you after this happened. That would have been one long, awkward bus trip.

HappyBlackGuy 1

Be grateful someone is at least showing you love:)