Pervs, pervs everywhere

By Anonymous - 11/08/2012 10:33 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I was on the bus when I felt a big yawn coming on, one so big that my mouth stretched and my eyes closed. It was at this point that the strange man beside me decided to lean over at lightning speed and put his tongue in my mouth. Technically it was my first kiss. I'm 21 years-old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 289
You deserved it 5 538

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why we cover our mouths when we yawn.

KiiwiiRox 6

I hope you punched him right after. That's sick and wrong...


grossssssss I am 13 and I have kissed yet I hate the thought of frenchkissing!!!!! ewww atleast my boyfriend has NEVER tried that. Sorry for you FYLA

I feel like that polar bear in your picture is facepalming at your comment.

58- I thought that too! lol... I'm 14, I don't have a boyfriend and I don't want one at such a young age. I mean, what's the point? It probably wouldn't be a very serious relationship.

105- yeah, but most relationships at that age last three monthes tops :P you were just lucky you found her, I guess :)

Months* it's 01:40 where I live, please don't kill me.

82- I beg to differ. My parents (the strictest ones I know) allow me to date at 14. Nothing TOO serious, maybe a movie and casual restaurant visit here and there. There is a such thing as a fun, casual, age-appropriate relationship. I think relationships are about trial and error. Not every relationship has to be serious.

Unbweavable 17

Poor thing, your life sucks horribly!

CallMeMcFeelii 13

I thought the same thing. It has sat instead of sitting. Twice. Still a great fml though haha.

More like "Doesn't matter, got licked in the mouth by a stranger maniac."

HmongJohn 9

That's not how a first kiss is supposed to happen... That guy's a pervert for attempting such an act...

shamonie22 9

I would have punched him right in his mouth. Hopefully he bites his tongue hard as a result.

missababgaga 19
MexicanGinger 5

Should've covered your mouth ._.