Parental advice

By ifeeldirty - 27/10/2011 12:22 - United States

Today, my dad walked in on me and my girlfriend having sex. His only reaction was to mutter, "Put some back into it, son." before awkwardly sidling out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 073
You deserved it 8 879

Same thing different taste


SlickWillyTFCF 5
EvilDave 13

FYL if you don't lock the door and your dad feels he has to say something like that.

I feel bad for your girlfriend, imagine how awkward she feels!

leadman1989 15

"c'mon rocky ya gotta eat lighting and crap thunder" Show her who's boss left right left right I imagine that guys voice and the iconic music

420smoke420 3

Bout time to Eiffel tower your girlfriend with the old man

WTF? Do you realy use a saying like that? "Hey babe, want me to Eiffel you?" "Or would you rather Pyramid me?". Spastic.

If you put your back into it then you are doing it wrong! ;-)

As in if you put your actual back INTO it... then you are doing it wrong... or trying some really funky position I have never heard of. :-p

Hahahahahahha!!!!!!! If you couldn't tell, that was an extremely dry laugh,sarcastic laugh..