By HomeAlone - 24/04/2016 04:45 - United States

Today, I went into the bathroom and got angry upon finding that once again, no one had bothered to put on a new roll of toilet paper. And then I remembered that I live alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 877
You deserved it 21 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're being an asshole to your asshole, OP. YDI.

Again? How often does this need to happen for you to remember you live alone haha.


joeyl2008 29

Why wouldn't you change the roll when you finished it?

Because OP thinks that the voices in his head are other people.

The thing is, you would've finished the roll and not replaced it, which makes you a dick, so yeah. YDI

You're being an asshole to your asshole, OP. YDI.

OP is a terrible roommate for themself.

FalloutScrolls 25

Your laziness almost matches mine. I'm too lazy to get angry in the first place. That requires energy.

Again? How often does this need to happen for you to remember you live alone haha.

Well to be honest, for all we know OP could have had a roommate recently who moved out or something, or perhaps they moved out of somewhere more recently. We don't know the whole story

well good thing you live by yourself, because no one gets to see you get up to receive the toilet paper.