Not now

By Wife - 08/08/2011 00:02 - United States

Today, while zooming down the interstate, I had to tell my husband to put his penis away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 460
You deserved it 6 650

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He wanted you to head south if you know what I mean

jumpshot23 0

He was pretending to drive a standard. Don't take his fun away.


thalierrr 5
AhhBrenid 8

Cant blame the man if he wants some lovin. Lol

nicknunn 0

dang i definetly this wasnt my wife posting this....

You, my dear sir, are my personal hero for today! I bow before you!

Why is this an fml?? This is a weekly occurrence for me! lol Its a guy thing... my 11 month old discovered his, and now he takes his diapers off to get to it.. some little boys just never grow out of it! haha Honestly.. if YOU had one.. you honestly think you wouldn't play with it?? lol

iluvdavid 3

I can totally see my boyfriend doing that xP fortunately I see the humor in it instead of complaining about it on the Internet. YDI for being the sort of nagging wife that gives women a bad rep.

So, what's wrong with that? I do it all the time .