
By Clueless - 14/05/2011 23:35 - United States

Today, I went to my phone company and had my text history pulled. Why? Because a few days ago, my 4 year-old daughter told me that, "Daddy has a wife and a girlfriend." Turns out she was right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 587
You deserved it 4 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments


dookiedoo 0

at least your daughter will grow up knowing he's the asshole.

armorf0r 7

it's better to find out that way rather than walking in on them..

armorf0r 7

the whole thing is just ****** up in general too. people need to get their shit straight these days

Garytt 0

mayb its a friend thats a girl?

why are you getting YOUR text history pulled?

KristinaKreme 0

Maybe her husband uses her phone??

ironyisforlosers 0

if her husband used her phone to text his girlfriend, then he's either extremely brave or just a huge dumbass

Clouded_Rhino 0

OR they share a phone plan... being married and such. duh.

kingtz 6

63, that's brilliant, actually. You use your wife's own phone to cheat on her with, as that's probably the last place she'd think to look for evidence. Best place to cheat? Take the girlfriend to your wife's parents' house!

RockstarRN 10

They share a phone plan. Primary holder can always pull records.

lidemocr 0

Baahahaha, nice correction, 'Why are you getting "you are" txt history?' If YOU'RE going to correct someone, make sure you know what YOU'RE talking about baahahahahahaa!!

gabbygirll3 0

can you please shut the **** up.

It really is YOUR. YOU'RE would be used as a contraction of you are. If you have to bug people about spelling and grammar and such, at least make sure the info you are giving is correct.

Mendoza_chris 0

Dude, that sucks ... At least the daughter will grow to hate her father...

Ouch. I guess it's good you found out though so you can dump the cheating bastard, take half of his money, and find a decent man.

mexmelli13 0

kids say the darnest things.

mexmelli13 0

kids say the darnest things.