No thanks, Karen

By artdegreemyass - 21/07/2012 21:14 - United States - West Palm Beach

Today, I was cashiering at Walmart, when a customer picked open a cold-sore on her lip before trying to give me her money with the same hand. When I freaked out and refused to take her money, she started screaming and threatening to sue me for "violating the First Amendment." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 701
You deserved it 3 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's nothing in the first amendment about not accepting herpes-infected money.


Sarcastic_x 6

Walmart never ceases to surprise

how were u violating the 1st amendment?

iiAntheA17 7

I don't understand. Half of the money we all touch has been in a strippers ass, or stuffed in someone's bra. In my opinion I would take someone picking a cold sore, then touching money, over stripper "infected"(or whatever you want to call it) money. So I don't know what everyone is complaining about.

I'm lets see...maybe because hands that touch a cold sore right before they touch money that they then hand to you has a high chance of having fresh blood.

Iknoweverything 29

Money on it has disease in general. Herpes blood is probably the safest thing on the money. It can have parasites from the strippers ass, (or herpes) coke, diseases, so on and so forth... and it's probably had other diseased cold sore hands on it before too. I don't like touching money, period. I ALWAYS keep hand sanitizer on hand at registers. My question to OP is how else they expected the customer to pay for it? Not everyone has extra cash or a credit card, and usually people dumb enough to pick cold sores and hand them to people on their money aren't credit-worthy.

twisted_cherub 14

Fresh blood or pus is far more likely to transmit disease than dry money. Using hand sanitizer is a good idea when handling money, but it doesn't remove the idea that you just had someone's sore oozings on you.

xoxoboobear 5

First of all, it's because OP saw it with her own eyes. That's what makes it so gross and unhygienic. Second of all, cold sores are contagious. If you touch something with the virus and accidentally touch your face or something you can get it.

Aw man, that's so disgusting. I'm sorry you had to go through that. :/

corruptedlol 2

Day 503: Still no signs of intelligent life.. I wonder if brains exist among this species. My studies have unfortunately proved otherwise thus far. Research will continue until solid evidence is achieved.

To quote Buzz Lightyear: "There seems to be no signs of intelligent life anywhere....."

LMAO. What are you so sore about? Do you think if you touched her money you would have have gotten a cold sore? Do your job!

Are you ******* demented? Would you touch money covered in fresh blood and pus at the risk of getting seriously sick? That's not in any job description. I hope for everyone's sake you're not in any management position.

no that this MERITS a reply...yes. it is entirely possible for them to have contracted a cold sore from touching that money, as the virus that CAUSES the cold sore is contagious and spread generally through skin-to-skin contact.

AClassActx3 7

The 50 people who said OP deserves it has an open cold sore >_< eww

you also violated her right to bare arms.

linkinpark98 23

The people of Walmart never cease to amaze me.