No thanks, Karen

By artdegreemyass - 21/07/2012 21:14 - United States - West Palm Beach

Today, I was cashiering at Walmart, when a customer picked open a cold-sore on her lip before trying to give me her money with the same hand. When I freaked out and refused to take her money, she started screaming and threatening to sue me for "violating the First Amendment." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 701
You deserved it 3 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's nothing in the first amendment about not accepting herpes-infected money.


marisadc79 0

Working at Walmart first mistake and gross I'd have flipped my lid too I cashier

nela25 23

#people of walmart... FYL OP Thats just disgusting.

jarockstar27 10

I would be like "and I am going to use my first amendment right by saying 'ewwww your disgusting!!'"

Fishfanatic 7

Wear gloves OP? I'm sure your employers, Walmart though it may be, would not object to you wanting to protect yourself from Herpes. Just say you've developed an allergy or something if you think they'd be arsey about it.

fj19 9

"sorry, register 8 is now closed".

What does that have to do with the first amendment?

Epikouros 31

YDI for thinking other money isn't dirty. BTW, Americans should get over their herpes phobia. Most people are infected, only 10% get cold sores and only 1% have more serious problems.

Handling fresh blood/pus is more likely to transmit the disease to you. Common sense.

That doesn't really matter. You only have a 1/500 chance of contracting HIV from sleeping unprotected with an infected person, just because its low risk DOESN'T mean its worth the risk. You can NEVER know if you're one of the unlucky people who is severely affected by the Herpes virus (whether its cold sores, skin sores or worse genital herpes) so its best not to touch other people's fresh bodily fluid when you can see they are visibly ill.

This reminds me of my Biology class where a kid wiped his cold sore germs on another kid. (I'm in high school by the way.) My teacher started screaming from the back of the room, "Connor stop trying to give Stephan herpes!!"

jbrady086 0

Doesn't matter what amendment. Only our government can violate our constitutional rights. That's what they are for, to protect us from the govt. Idiots.