No good deed…

By oops - 04/12/2009 17:23 - United States

Today, I saw a moth trapped in a spider web. Feeling gracious, I gently freed it, and then took it to the window to let it out. When I opened the window to set him free, my $300 air conditioner fell two stories and smashed on the sidewalk. The moth flew away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 765
You deserved it 36 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

suaveneanderthal 0

what the hell did you think the moth was going to do? Upon seeing your precious air conditioner the moth was supposed to go out and buy you a new one? "The moth flew away" what a great way to end that story, i was expecting it to suck your balls in gratitude, not selfishly get the **** away from the place that it had first been trapped and then had been freed by a ****** giant.

Why is the life of the moth more valuable than the life of the spider?


that's what u get for messing with natures cycle of life :)

ProvehitoInAltum 0

YDI For being dumb enough to open your window with the AC unit....

I also love it when douche bags pin their own life story onto others so they feel better aboit themselves

cokyspaniel 0

don't mess with natural selection

What did you expect it to do? Help you fix the air conditioner?What did you expect it to do? Help you fix the air conditioner?

Well why the **** would you open the window if it was holding an air conditioner? Ydi dumb ass..

What? Did you expect the moth to stay and comfort you?

Of all the spiders related posts, this one is pretty funny. FYL.

Lukaroast 0

that's karma saying ' Don't **** with the spiders food'

So you expected the moth to pay for that??