No good deed…

By oops - 04/12/2009 17:23 - United States

Today, I saw a moth trapped in a spider web. Feeling gracious, I gently freed it, and then took it to the window to let it out. When I opened the window to set him free, my $300 air conditioner fell two stories and smashed on the sidewalk. The moth flew away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 765
You deserved it 36 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

suaveneanderthal 0

what the hell did you think the moth was going to do? Upon seeing your precious air conditioner the moth was supposed to go out and buy you a new one? "The moth flew away" what a great way to end that story, i was expecting it to suck your balls in gratitude, not selfishly get the **** away from the place that it had first been trapped and then had been freed by a ****** giant.

Why is the life of the moth more valuable than the life of the spider?


nosferatu616 0

1. Way to let the spider starve, spiders kill mosquitos and other things you probably hate. 2. you're an idiot (should go unsaid) 3. you found it noteworthy that the moth flew away? did you expect it to come back and pay for the damage?

The moth flew away as opposed to...buying you dinner?

YDI for having an aircon installed in such a bad place.

Even when I clean my house I sometimes leave the innocent spiders alone if they're in a discreet corner, simply because it helps keeping the rest of my house clear of the more annoying flies, moths and mosquitos. And because I have respect for the circle of life. The spiders do not infringe on my living circumstances whatsoever, and in fact are beneficial. It's called co-habitation. Besides which, even spiders and moths can get into the houses of neat-freaks every now and then.

Now, you can claim it in your homeowner's insurance and buy a central AC freeing your window! You can release all the moths you want! See how easy that was?! :>

LMFAO thats what you get for freeing the spider's lunch/dinner! Karama....its a bitch hahahahaha

Free the moth, the moth lives, but the spider dies. Leave the moth, the spider lives, but the moth dies. Decisions, decisions.... Life is a cruel world. Why would you open the window holding your air condition, though? On another note, this reminded me of this little game: Lots of fun.

Should have just killed the f**ker lol jk all life is important. Mabie it was a test from God and you passed.

what a stupid bitch. do u still feel gracious that the spider's gonna have to starve for weeks before his next prey shows up? stupid **** like u who is trying to mess with the law of nature deserves much worth than a smashed AC unit. let this be a lesson for u.