No good deed…

By oops - 04/12/2009 17:23 - United States

Today, I saw a moth trapped in a spider web. Feeling gracious, I gently freed it, and then took it to the window to let it out. When I opened the window to set him free, my $300 air conditioner fell two stories and smashed on the sidewalk. The moth flew away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 765
You deserved it 36 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

suaveneanderthal 0

what the hell did you think the moth was going to do? Upon seeing your precious air conditioner the moth was supposed to go out and buy you a new one? "The moth flew away" what a great way to end that story, i was expecting it to suck your balls in gratitude, not selfishly get the **** away from the place that it had first been trapped and then had been freed by a ****** giant.

Why is the life of the moth more valuable than the life of the spider?


redshortsx 0

that's cheap and YDI for caring about a damn moth

It was just nature's way of saying 'YDI for messing with the great chain of being'. Moral is: don't mess with fate. lolol

Next time don't **** with the food chain.

you deserved it for being a ******* idiot. Its just a stupid moth!

I just wanted to let you know I created an FML acct. today just to tell you I LOL'ed at your comment, thank you. :)

I created an acct today just to tell that person their a ******* idiot

In order to save the moth's life, you indirectly put people below you, walking on the sidewalk, at risk know...death or injury.

This. These were my precise thoughts. Thank you! Also, having never posted a comment here before, I'm really amused by the whole "Speak your mind, but please try and be respectful." suggestion, in relation to the comments on this FML in particular.

You know, spiders need food too. How would you like it if someone took your lobster and set it free back in the ocean? YDI for being a complete moron. How could you open the window and not notice or even think about your air conditioner?

waterynuggets 0

Pinchy would have wanted it that way!!

McMonsterMan 1

Leaning towards YDI for not bracing the thing properly.

Why would you open the window with the air conditioner in it? do you have any level of common sense?

I'll assume that was a rhetorical question because it's obvious that she doesn't.