No excuses!

By davka - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, I was fired from my job. Apparently getting shot is no valid reason to stay home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 964
You deserved it 4 893

Top comments

Stab wounds only accepted. Company policy, don't fight it.

ummm wow what were you doing the night before that resulted in you being shot?


15, I can't remember which but there was a president shot and he was so bad ass he finished his speech lol. I think it was jackson or johnson I can't remember.

meanwhile 50cent still complains on stage

oh yea, i think it was jackson, or roosevelt. the doctors said the speech in his pocket was so thick, that wen the bullet went through it it didnt go all the way through so he lived

oh oopss! didn't see the comment above! haha

it was theodore Roosevelt, the bullet jammed into his ribs and he went on for 2 hours, mentioning it in his speech. he was so tough they nicknamed his party the "bull-moose" party.

The_Cos 0

Teddy Roosevelt: speech was over 60 pages and folded his breast pocket. He almost finished the speech, but bleeding was getting severe.

A bullet wound? Just walk it off, you'll be fine.

Word up. "Be a man! Do the right thing!"

as they say in the army, "drink water and drive on." cures all ailments, it seems. how do you think i stayed alive? |the kid|

rub some Dort on it you will be right

shiz, i'm sry i think thats quite a good reason to stay at home. ummm, also, wat were you doing to get urself shot? and to those who say he shuld "man up" do u know how it feels to be shot? i heard it is the most painful thing ever... besides being stabbed

being shot is really painful! but, fire is worse

Cerealously, cut the guy some slack. On the upside at least OP now has a sexy bullet wound

People who've gotten shot, that I personally know, say it's not painful, but the shock is what brings pain. As we all know pain is just in the mind.

184 - Not all the time, it's not. Not in the sense it can all be controlled by willing yourself not to hurt, that is.

Well that all depends on the person. I was just using that saying. But, if in your mind you think the injury is minimul, pain will most likely be reduced.

True, but it won't completely get rid of it. I'd assume that if you're shot somewhere, no amount of willing the pain away or convincing yourself it doesn't hurt will help.

just keep saying it's all in your head. that could be a bullet though

Holy ****. I'm pretty sure you can sue your boss for that. The world is just awful nowadays. I miss the love.

notquite69 0

Makes me wonder what you were doing where to get shot. That seems more likely to be a reason to get fired.

Pretty_Pink_Lady 10

Yeah. Everyone knows only shady drug dealers get shot.

if it was just. .22, no reason to stay home. check your company policy. I'm sure they have a "smaller than 9mm" clause.

sounds like the start of a promising rap career...

Of course it isn't. Especially when the boss has the hit for you. Maybe that'll teach you to run and get his damn coffee like you said you would. Slacker!