No excuses!

By davka - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, I was fired from my job. Apparently getting shot is no valid reason to stay home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 964
You deserved it 4 893

Top comments

Stab wounds only accepted. Company policy, don't fight it.

ummm wow what were you doing the night before that resulted in you being shot?


camking619 0

thats just a flesh wound... grow a pair

SwaggerMelon 6

I see what you did there with fired and shot OP... nice one

if he was shot with a bullet fhl if a bb gun he diserves it they hurt and break skin can kill but rarely man up chump

well do you know who shot you? it could be your boss...

tcrunit 0

sue their asses for all they have