Mommy issues

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, as I was picking up my 7 year-old daughter at my ex-husband's house, my daughter started crying saying that she wanted to stay with Daddy forever. I asked why. She said her stepmom was a better mommy. Apparently, the woman who broke up my marriage is now a better "Mommy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 103 808
You deserved it 9 326

Same thing different taste

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Sometimes kids play off on parent against the other to get stuff. You know, step mummy's better because she lets me eat fast food, watch tv late... or something to try and get you to do the same. I wouldn't worry about it too much.


acro_actress95 0

LOL #10 but that's exactly it. Yeah most likely step mom lets her do whatever she wants and you don't so she wants to stay and get spoiled. Don't worry I'm sure she still loves you and thinks your a great mom. =-)

Kids are predators. They sense your weak spots over miles and won't hesitate to attack when it's in their interest. And then leave you mutilated on the ground. Bleeding. That's why they got such cute faces, otherwise people would kill them at sight :)

I hope you have friends and maybe a new love that love you for real, and your daughter will too, when she gets old enough to understand what that swine did to you.

missus_butter 0

7 year olds girls can be more wretched than teenagers. My boyfriend's former roomates' kid used to compete with me for him when he still lived there. We'd be cuddling, she'd barge in and try to get all up ons. Totally killed the mood (although it would have been worse if it didn't, I guess, but better if she didn't even bother). Well, the point is that she frequently told her dad that she liked my boyfriend way better. He was hurt too, but at the end of the day, he was still her parent. And when all was said and done, my boyfriend married me and moved out, so there. She did ask her dad to make him stay though. -_-

Arg! I hate it when people say "Kids say the darndest things.". I think the reason why she said that wasn't because she spoils your kid, but maybe because she spends more time with your kid while your kid is there. I'm assuming you have a job thus have less time to spend with your kid and when you're at home you might be less cheerful because of the stress of working and taking care of your kid. Your kid will understand later on in life.

Don't feel bad, I bet the step mom only gets to see your kid a few times during the week or something similar right? Well during those times they probably spoil the living death out of her and because you do the disciplining and tell her what's what, she will naturally like the step mom more. But in the end, it's you who she will appreciate when she's older.

because_im_bored 0

lol #15. That's so annoying. But yeah, I agree with the majority of other people posting. I imagine her step-mom spoiling her to the max, letting her do things you don't find good for her, taking her lots of places. Not necessarily trying to turn her against you, but maybe she just feels threatened and desperately doesn't want your daughter to hate her. Why don't you just talk to your kid, tell her that hurts your feelings and ask why she thinks her step mom is a better mom? If she says crap like "She gives me candy and lets me watch TV!" ... she'll get over it in a couple years. If it's more along the lines "She spends more time with me" you might want to think about developing a better relationship. Not to get all Dr. Phil on you.

I agree with 17, the step mom spoils and lets you do the dirty work, but your daughter probably just said that so you would spoil her too, to one-up the stepmom. She was playing you.

When kids are young they only care about what makes them happy. It's so nice not worrying about the worlds problems. Give her time.

AlisiaSolorzano 2

i have a bf for 11 years. we were living in one roof together until January he left me for another girl which he met in his work. he told me that he doesn't love me anymore, he's not happy with our relationship, he don't want to us to live in a miserable life together.before i knew he already rented a new place him and the girl, my world fell apart, i beg and plead after him, says sorry and promise to change if i did something wrong to him but nothing worked. i was so desperate to get him back. so i came across this spell caster [email protected] to help me solve my problem, i told him everything and he solved my problem and my lover came back by Alisia Solorzano (Fort Walton Florida USA)