
By exasperated - 17/04/2014 03:14 - United States - Houston

Today, I got a call from the police that my house had been burglarized, but an off-duty cop caught the criminal. I pull up to see my detained, psycho ex-boyfriend sheepishly grinning at me. He had three of my lace panties and two of my bras, claiming it was "all for memories' sake". FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 178
You deserved it 4 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Punch him in the face, for your memorys sake

Sorry, OP. That's incredibly creepy. At least he got caught


Ew. I'm sorry op, are you going to press charges? Because that's very creepy.

FMLL2016 16

Well time for a restraining order.

Now would definitely be the time to move...

I want a FML Illustrated for this one, that surely would be hilarious :D

TabooSushi 24

Time to move, get a good guard dog if you can afford one, and press charges on that creeper STAT. That is suuuuuper creepy and feels like preliminary stalking behavior.

some people just can't handle the pressure that the unmentionables create.

At least they caught him. Imagine getting home and you underwear was missing!

Psyco... So where are you moving to now?