Medicare for all!

By YoungSmileBones - 15/08/2016 18:29 - United States - Lake Havasu City

Today, I'm so broke that I'm thinking about using a glass of whiskey and a pair of pliers to pull out my broken wisdom teeth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 049
You deserved it 1 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That would end up being way more expensive as you would battle infections or or other injuries caused by the extraction.

jentrynicole 20

Please go see a professional. They are a professional for a reason and while it may be expensive now it will save you a lot of expenses later if you do it yourself or delay your treatment.


pinkuser626 17

I love all of these people saying just do it u can save money another way, I feel like people don't understand what it means to actually be broke. If something happened to me right now I couldn't afford it, not meaning I have the money and want to save it but meaning I have no money. No dollars. NOTHING. If u have no money u can't just create it.

geniusness 6

So you have money for whiskey?

lollypop30001 19

Trust me whiskey is not strong enough you want to be knock out. So you really need to see a oral surgeon. You can make out a payment plan with them. I got dry socket and it could of killed me.

Are you in one of those situations where you aren't quite poor enough to qualify for medicaid?

There are things out there, DO NOT do this yourself, you risk breaking your jaw on top of countless other things.

User90210 5

Why didn't you just do what Tom Hanks did in Castaway? lol

da_epic_failman 7

Wow, you're so broke you can pay for an IPhone? Man, you're really in the gutter!

I tried that on one of the molars before, and trust me when I say it doesn't work as well as it does in the movies...

ulissey_fml 22

This may sound naive, but in my country this sort of dental care is always free for people with low or no income. Isn't it the case in the USA ?

It is not, ulissey. We have to pay (and pay and pay) for medical care unless we qualify for certain aid programs. Most of those programs are impossible to get into if you make "enough" money. I really wish we had socialized healthcare like a number of other countries do.

Yeah pretty much we don't have this. Around here, if you make more than $300 a month, you don't get any medical assistance. Well, that's swell. So if you work part time, you're "somehow" rich enough to afford dental care (hahahahahah!) and medical care. Not. The USA is REALLY BAD for health systems.