Medicare for all!

By YoungSmileBones - 15/08/2016 18:29 - United States - Lake Havasu City

Today, I'm so broke that I'm thinking about using a glass of whiskey and a pair of pliers to pull out my broken wisdom teeth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 049
You deserved it 1 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That would end up being way more expensive as you would battle infections or or other injuries caused by the extraction.

jentrynicole 20

Please go see a professional. They are a professional for a reason and while it may be expensive now it will save you a lot of expenses later if you do it yourself or delay your treatment.


I just had mine taken out. it's really not so bad if you make a payment plan with the doctor. Thinking of the price may be scary but you can always make small payments starting out and just slowly pay it off.

My father did that. I do not recommend. Try going to a free clinic & see what they say.

I also live in Arizona and I wanted to pass along that the rate for "no insurance" or applying for state Medicaid is about 30$ for an extraction. start making calls. it's a lot safer, less painful and about the same price as a big bottle of whiskey.

If you're that poor you should qualify for the free health care (DSHS and that type) and the broken tooth should be covered. Unless they changed the pain rule from 10+ yrs ago...

u can always ask if they will work with u and make payments. teeth are something to mess with. u can get infections or dry socket. neither are fun

peterj96 11

That wouldn't wor.... Actually post it to YouTube and send me the link!

maggster1992 4

I'm a dental assistant in the Mesa/Phoenix area, feel free to message me about the office I'm at if you're in the same area:]

yeah MURICA! who needs health insurance anyway