Meat is murder

By lanbon182 - 10/04/2009 05:11 - United States

Today, my fiancé's parents visited. I keep chickens for their eggs, and his parents own a farm, so we had a connection. They told us to leave the house while they cooked us dinner. When we returned, we faced two steaming plates of chicken. My chickens. They had names. FML
I agree, your life sucks 251 768
You deserved it 31 278

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Awwwwww, that's so sad!!! Like they served you the family dog... So, did you tell them, or did you try to 'man up'?

That sucks bad! I would have burst out crying right in front of their eyes... I can't believe people are clicking YDI =/


To get the chickens ready for dinner, they'd have to be killed early in the afternoon at the latest. So unless your fiance's parents told you to leave around 1 pm, and you didn't return earlier than 7 pm, this story is highly unlikely.

KAiTC021 0

Yeah #60 im confused too, that doesn't really make much sence, but its okay. i guess we all have our stupid moments. haha

Oh, honey... I am so sorry. You have my sympathy, as pitifully little as that seems.

This is BS Hardly to believe that they didn't knew why you kept the chickens and they had to know that you are a vegetarian. How long are you engaged with him? They should also know that the chickens are your belongings and that they had no right to do that. Or they are just morons :/ @#57 Who is you Kate? left or right? :)

eating eggs is chicken abortion....XD

#12- he owns a farm too. i'm sure it's not a slow process for him because he probably does it all the time. anyways i can barely read this, it makes me sick. and all of you who think this, or any other kind of animal violence, is funny are sick in the head. go see a shrink.

ohhhhshizzz 0

#24: just because you don't share the same views as vegetarians doesn't mean you have to go around calling them idiots, that is what they believe no one gives a flying **** if you eat 3 times more. #30: they probably insisted, and it's her fiance's parents she probably wanted to look like she could take anything, so she went along with it. #40: stfu, you can't even put a sentence together correctly. Cows, pigs etc. weren't MAKE for food, its MADE. You idiot, and you can have a pet out of whatever you want. #48: The OP isn't a VEGAN, you jackass she is a vegetarian. Gosh learn how to read, or don't post idiotic comments. Well now that I'm done telling everyone off(: This doesn't sound all that realistic. I mean making chickens that are raised well that can take some time. Unless they told you they wanted to make a "nice" dinner, so stay out all day. Now either you aren't all that of a suspicious person, or this isn't real. But It wasn't a YDI. She couldn't have known what her fiance's parents were doing. Sucks though.

I'm going to say that folks who clicked YDI probably did so because this sounds so ******* fake. No one just randomly kills and cooks someone else's property without asking.

#8, no. Some eggs do not have chicken fetuses in them. These are the ones you buy at the store. You can also "candle" the egg - i.e. hold a candle or a flashlight to it when it's dark out - to tell if there is a fetus inside or not. The eggs are just slightly translucent so you can see a shadow of a fetus or not. VEGANS eat no animal byproducts at all - no meat, milk, eggs, etc. VEGETARIANS don't eat meat. They do, however, eat milk, eggs, etc., and sometimes fish.