Mean girls

By oc_cheergirl - 06/04/2011 02:32 - United States

Today, I wore my cheerleading uniform to my boyfriend's house. He was a nerd in high school and mentioned a fantasy about hooking up with a cheerleader. I started acting sassy and a little mean, figuring he would enjoy a more realistic experience. Apparently not, because he started to cry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 802
You deserved it 51 799

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, I imagine that he was called names and such in high school, and when he he mentioned a cheerleader fantasy, I don't think he thought he'd be getting the stereotypical 1990s bitchface cheerleader stereotype.

Awww poor baby, hope you made it up to him.


there proberly was a problem at the post office.

JacobysGirl 0

That's horrible. I would hate myself if I ever hurt my fiance, he's my everything and the only one I care about in this ****** thing we call life. maybe next time talk to him and see what he's into than surprise him by acting it out like a few days later. -Jacoby's Girl

lmaoatall 6

what do you mean WAS a nerd in highschool? he still is. what a wimp. kick his ass and tell him to grow a pair

So me crying at my wifes funeral makes me a whimp? Damn guess all those years in the army didnt man my wuss ass up.

wow ._____.!!!! but give the kid a break Ahaha

well either you were never picked on in high school or you're just dumb. I'm sure your boyfriend's fantasy didn't involve dredging up bad memories of his past.

TahoeFMler 22

What a ******* bitch! Just because she was/is a cheerleader she thinks she has to be a bitch?! What the ******* ****!? She couldn't have just been sexy? Who wants someone to be a bitch to them?? Stupid snatch. YDI.

chatterbabe 0

what kind of trauma did those high school cheerleaders put him thru?!

notsocrazee 0

just say "and that's what turns me on."