Mean girls

By oc_cheergirl - 06/04/2011 02:32 - United States

Today, I wore my cheerleading uniform to my boyfriend's house. He was a nerd in high school and mentioned a fantasy about hooking up with a cheerleader. I started acting sassy and a little mean, figuring he would enjoy a more realistic experience. Apparently not, because he started to cry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 802
You deserved it 51 799

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, I imagine that he was called names and such in high school, and when he he mentioned a cheerleader fantasy, I don't think he thought he'd be getting the stereotypical 1990s bitchface cheerleader stereotype.

Awww poor baby, hope you made it up to him.


That's weird cheerleaders were always nice, idk why everyone thinks their mean... -_- smh at you judgemental people

better crying than strangling her... childhood problems can do weird things on people...

Tell your boyfriend to meet me over by the pool so we can slap five. He'll feel better afterwards. As for you. Clean yourself up and stop trying to relive your old days. Your probably a fat sloppy waste of space and made him realize that you've let yourself go! FHL

Well what did he expect? Cheer leaders aren't exactly known for being nice.

Egnar 19

He mentioned a cheerleader fantasy, not a submissive fantasy. As far as I see it the fact that you thought acting like that was a 'realistic experience' tells me that you were a real bitch in High School, and, very rarely do people do complete personality 180s So you showed up at his door in a Cheerleader outfit and what?. . You just started acting mean?. . .Was he aware that it was all apart of YOUR idea of what his fantasy was?. . .Or were you just being so mean that he rightfully assumed you were being mean for the hell of it? . . I'm more inclined to think the later.

If you were aware that he was picked on during his high school years - you shouldn't have played the mean cheerleader. It was a thoughtless and callous act. You don't know the extent to which his experiences have affected him psychologically. He seems to have had a pretty traumatic adolescence - and it can be really hard to let go of trauma sustained during those fundamental years. To people calling the guy a wuss - don't be judgmental over a circumstance that you don't know the complete backstory to. Experiences in high school shape our adulthood and life views for better or worse. and it takes a LOT of work to undo the trauma of bullying.

Egnar 19

Who said he was tramatized? It's likely she went into his house as a cheerleader to fulfill a fantasy, but, it's a pretty good assumption she didn't walk in saying "i'm here to fulfill your fantasy by acting like a complete bitch." It's a pretty good assessment she walked in there in a cheerleader uniform just acting like a complete bitch thinking he would make a connection between cheerleader and bitch, which he obviously didn't. What he saw was his girlfriend dressed in a silly costume making a fool of herself and saying mean things about somebody she was very close to.

That is another completely valid and reasonable angle to look at the picture. Either way, it was thoughtless and callous of her to walk into his house and be a bitchy cheerleader without first establishing with him that she wanted to play out a fantasy.

cptmorgan15 2

That's 'proberly' why he's a pedobear.