Manoeuvres in the dark

By Anonymous - 12/12/2009 21:13 - Canada

Today, I had to perform with my orchestra at an event. I hadn't eaten at all because I had to get my blood sugar tested. During the middle of a song, I passed out. No one helped me and no one stopped playing, "because the song wasn't over and they didn't want to ruin the performance." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 705
You deserved it 6 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I´m a very dedicated performer, and have a bit of experience even though I´m still in school. I would stop a performance if someone onstage were to pass out, because you don´t always know why the person is passing out. I´d rather have a ruined performance than a harmed or even dead peer.

Yeah, but it's not that original. When I was in HS marching band, we performed in wool jackets in Florida. It happened more than once. Nobody stopped, because the band director was evil and would have given us probably 10 laps for stopping. I got 30 pushups for telling the girl in front of me to get back to where she was supposed to be and stop stepping on my feet.


The show must go on... I was in drama and chior all throughout my school years since I was in 5th grade and you're told that from day one! You are also told that if your not feeling well that you don't perform so you don't mess the show up for your peers..

CloudFox 6

hmm, I don't think people are suppose to stop performing just cause someone passed out especially if it's a formal event. Think of tso, I wonder if they'll stop performing the piece they've been working on soo long just to see if someone's okay... I doubt it, they'd get through the piece, then see if they're okay. People paid good money to see them so they can't ruin the performance or their reputation. I'm not trying to be rude or anything but I'm just saying, if I were performing and I fainted, I wouldn't want them to stop just bc I did, as long as they don't leave me there after... If the event was informal, then I don't think these things apply, but music if usually formal even if it's small.

schwinn11 0

Whether it's life or death, the show must go on, plus there is no honor with a bunch of band dorks If you're gay enough to play in an orchestra, you deserve to be left on the floor.

and you're probably some sports jock that thought he was cool when really the rest of the school was too busy being smart and talented to pay you any attention. (NB to people reading this: I'm not saying sports people aren't smart or talented. I know some extremely smart and talented sports people. But you have to admit it's likely that someone who is so disparaging of talented musicians has probably resorted to sports because he's not much good at anything else.)

I'm in my high school music ensemble. If anyone passes out, we finish the piece. they can wait a few minutes. A lot of my other colleagues from other schools agree.

How profoundly sympathetic and considerate you all are.

Musicfiend222 0

while I sympathize I hate to tell you that that's actually the golden rule of playing music...despite anything that may happen...whether you miss a note, get off time, or very unfortunately in your case pass out...the song must go on...but you do have my sympathy...that sucks!!!

Haha ikr but what about if someone could be dying??

No_fyl_cuz_ydi 0

the show must go on! how dare you expect everyone to just stop for you ... next time eat after your tests genius

Ok, well I don't think that the OP is the brightest person ever. Normally you get tested very early in the morning, because it's crucial that you eat during the day. And it's especially a "you deserve it" if you had a big event, where you're going to be stressed out and performing in front of people, and don't eat anything whatsoever. Your body burns extra calories when you're really stressed out. So when you don't eat, are doing a lot of activity, and are super stressed out, you tend to pass out.

Why the heck did you NOT eat after your blood test? That was your fault. Whenever I have a blood test, I take something to snack on as soon as they've drawn the blood, while I'm checking out. Especially if you have somewhere important to be afterwards. Also, YDI for scheduling your blood test so close to the performance. Lame..... This smacks of fake to me - or are people really that stupid?

raiderh808 0

no sympathy dude, next time show up to perform and not to pass out... you would be doing lots of push-ups if I were you director

Erindub 0