Love language

By Anonymous - 07/05/2015 02:12 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my boyfriend complained that I only respond to his flirtations with exasperation and annoyance. Apparently, grunting and humping my leg like an ill-mannered dog while I'm trying to wash dishes is his way of flirting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 377
You deserved it 4 091

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Smack him on the nose with a rolled up newspaper next time and say "bad Fido".

Apparently I've been doing it wrong for the last 4 years


Strange, this usually works just fine on my fiancé.

You would rather do the dishes then get some...your priorities are whack! Dishes can be done later

leogachi 15

So can sex. You know, when the boyfriend is done being annoying.

My boyfriend does that all time time. Not even close to a turn on. I feel like I have a humping dog, not a boyfriend

gintwinsmoore 20

this was funny...thanks for the visual, OP!

I'd say FYL, but YDI for dating a dumbass.

Loosen up a little bit. My guy does that occasionally too and I just smile and laugh. He's probably just being goofy and having fun.

leogachi 15

She doesn't need to loosen up just because her sense of humor is different. If she doesn't like it, he should just stop doing it.

You can't pause the dishes for some nookie? YDI.

mangogummybear 3

Lol I feel yeah girl. mine does the same thing.