Listen up

By disturbedgd - 14/09/2016 11:29 - South Africa

Today, after years of listening to my coworker complaining about everything in her life, including her job, I finally stood up to her and bitched at her for complaining and not doing anything about it. She went to my boss, and now it's in my job description to listen to her when she complains. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 015
You deserved it 1 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get skin toned ear plugs, and simply nod your head and make noncommittal noises whenever she starts ranting. It's what I do with my mom, and it works like a charm.

They're doing great things with earplugs these days. And nodding your head like a bobble head keeps your neck nice and loose.


whaddya you know, she actually did something about it.

who else think they both are about to fall in love and getting married.

I think that there's something very very wrong with your boss's policy. If that's how he faces problems, well you definitely have a problem.

I wish it meant you were promoted to her manager and listening to her is part of you job description now to "foster a safe workplace environment". Alas! since it's on FML.... Good luck to you, find a better job.

Ask her if she needs some cheese and crackers, to go along with her wine !!!

I'm pretty sure that's not legal to do, you can try taking it up with HR.

I find that moments like these is great time to destress and ponder the many questions of life. Just occasionally nod and change your facial expressions. If they want you to talk, just say, "I understand" or "What do you mean". Works like a charm with my mom.

I would take that to HR and if that doesn't work, their boss, and if not that the owner or VP of the company. That is not part of your job. And if you have an union, tell them asap.

They cannot make it a part of your job description to listen to someone complain.