
By Anonymous - 11/07/2009 04:42 - United States

Today, I went on a date, and everything was going fine - until the ride home. On the way, I starting having progressively bad stomach pains. Once she left the car, I passed the worst gas that I had ever encountered. As I began to leave, she knocked on the window. She forgot her purse in the car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 572
You deserved it 5 469

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's your chance to grab the purse, get out of the car and bring it to her yourself. It'll make you look very gentlemanly.

Imawhalerider 0

just drive away, and later be like oh did you tap my window?


tell her it's the dead hooker in your trunk.

oh man, shit happens, what happened next :P

LovingCFK 8

dude, just take the purse, get out of the car on your side, and walk it over to her. just tell her the problem... if she's cool, she'l dig your solution. happens to everyone.

You could have asked her if she farted when she got out of the car... >:)

This comment made me lol more then the FML.


haha hope u got a kiss goodnight

slutsstud 0

Well I think everyone here is overlooking something rather simple. The fact that he didn't get out while dropping her off says something regarding that date.. that even though the op thought date was going good, it wasn't really... so the point is that this fart thing didn't really matter.

Prawn_fml 2

Not necessarily. Maybe it was a no parking area, for instance. Or they'd agreed that the date wouldn't move on to him coming home with her. Could be many reasons. They might have had a pretty passionate kiss before she got out, and even agreed on a next date. What OP could possibly have done, is grab her bag, step out of the car and hand it to her across the roof.

I don't really see anything wrong with that. Out of the many dates I've been on, like maybe one guy has gotten out to walk me to my door. PLUS... when you get those urgent stomach cramps, sometimes you don't even want to move, you want to get home to relieve yourself as soon as possible!

Today, I was on a date and it was going really well, i forgot my purse in the guys car, when i reached in and grabbed it it was the worst smell ive ever smelt i almost vomited on his lap, FML.