
By Anonymous - 11/07/2009 04:42 - United States

Today, I went on a date, and everything was going fine - until the ride home. On the way, I starting having progressively bad stomach pains. Once she left the car, I passed the worst gas that I had ever encountered. As I began to leave, she knocked on the window. She forgot her purse in the car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 572
You deserved it 5 469

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's your chance to grab the purse, get out of the car and bring it to her yourself. It'll make you look very gentlemanly.

Imawhalerider 0

just drive away, and later be like oh did you tap my window?


seb12992 0


so just hand it to her through the window

missmeliss0309 0

buy her the book, "Everyone Poops" She'll love it.

You deserved it, only because obviously you didn't walk the girl to the door, jerk.

sillybee123 0

This happens in the movie "Just Friends" with Ryan Reynolds!

helios_rex 0

Now, this is a real FML! Funny shit!!!

even if she did smell it, she should b thankful tht u were being polite and waited till she left to fart.