Life experiences

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I realized that the only things I gained from my Masters programs are more debt and the knowledge that you can use a semicolon in a list. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 185
You deserved it 5 591

Top comments

mshafty 0

NO WAY. You went out and got a bullshit degree with bad job prospects and now can't get a job. Haven't seen this FMY before!!

F**k My Yo-Yo? F**k My Yarn? F**k My Youth? F**k My Yogurt? F**k My Youngster?


boricua23 0

And knowing is half the battle!

Anyone who didnt put YDI is either a Graduate of some BS lit program, or has no idea how the world works. All lit degrees hold entirely no value at all in the search for a job, unless you plan to employ yourself as a writer of erotic literature, trash novels, etc, for a random publisher of such things. SO yes, if you chose to major in the most BS nonlearning field of all time (even music has theory), you DESERVED IT

Fully_fml 0

Welcome to real life, OP. You're not the only person with such troubles.

You should have known that you could use a semicolon for lists LONG before entering your masters program. I knew how to do that when I was in 4th grade... So YDI for not only realizing that it's hard to get jobs right now due to the recession but you also didn't know something so simple. Fail. Just fail.

need_a_name 0

Really? I usually use commas to separate list elements and semicolons at the end of a li.... oh wait I'm thinking of a useful degree.

nny_moose 0

That's extremely pathetic. Especially considering I'm a High School student and I've known that for quite some time.

it took you a masters degree to figure that out?