Kids these days…

By Anonymous - 13/04/2009 02:39 - United States

Today, my two year-old cousin was having a temper tantrum. I decided to give him a flashlight because playing with it usually distracts him. It didn't. Instead, he hit me in the face with it as hard as possible, leaving a bruise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 060
You deserved it 24 986

Same thing different taste

Top comments

um,kid hits you hard enough to leave a bruise = spanking.


idkwtfimdoing 0

my god, do people let you watch their children? why would it have ever made sense to hand an angry child blunt objects to pacify him? whether it's worked before or not, a kid that young is going to hurt you, someone else, someTHING, or him/herself. poor judgment on your part so, sorry, no sympathy from me. couldn't have handed him something soft, like a plushie, that wouldn't leave a bruise?

blland 0

oh man, you would've distracted me. >.>

What happened to discipline? I see parents trying to persuade their kids into behaving. That's why there are so many awful teenagers who have no manners. It's called a time out.

valuemeal2 1

Temper tantrum = the kid needs a time out to cool off. Leave him where he is (assuming he's in a safe place) and let him freak out for a few minutes; he'll calm down once he realizes you're not reacting.

Well, the poster said it usually distracted the kid so they assumed that that would happen. They didn't know the kid would just slam it into their face. Obviously they didn't think it through, but it sounds like a snap decision because the kid wouldn't calm down otherwise. So shut up about the poster being "stupid enough to give the kid a weapon". I bet the kid calmed down after he hit them, though, haha.

Next time, I would suggest having him watch a movie or giving him a toy that can't injure you? I can't stand kids.

um,kid hits you hard enough to leave a bruise = spanking.

FreedomFirst 0

Hehe, you'll learn that one quick. Never give a weapon or anything resembling one to an angry toddler. And to #17, spankings should be reserved for the parents or anyone whom they've specifically given permission to. And in this case, the OP should have known better so I'm not sure a spanking is in order. Just take it from him and put him in his room.

eh, i see the point about *specifically* be given permission, but it's the OP's little cousin so it's not like he/she's a random person -- it's family. family should be allowed to instill a reasonable amount of discipline right?

chimmy 0

giving a two year old such a heavy object was a dumb move anyway... he could have really hurt himself. ydi