Kids these days…

By Anonymous - 13/04/2009 02:39 - United States

Today, my two year-old cousin was having a temper tantrum. I decided to give him a flashlight because playing with it usually distracts him. It didn't. Instead, he hit me in the face with it as hard as possible, leaving a bruise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 060
You deserved it 24 986

Same thing different taste

Top comments

um,kid hits you hard enough to leave a bruise = spanking.


mylifeisfuckeddd 0

when a kid throws a tantrum you just ignore them and give them space. by feeding the fire they are getting attention which is why they are throwing it in the first place! i work with special needs kids and main stream kids and this is one of the most important rules. unless they are physically hurting themselves (which i actually had to deal with today) you leave them alone.

wtfdidido 0
wtfdidido 0
wtfdidido 0

XD Sorry, I shouldn´t really laugh about this... sorry bout the bruise...

That's why you should always have a jar of ether handy.

#40: I couldn´t speak until I was three. But that´s because I was being talked at in two languages at the same time.

chris5182 0

i would have slapped the shit out of him for that.