Kids these days…

By Anonymous - 13/04/2009 02:39 - United States

Today, my two year-old cousin was having a temper tantrum. I decided to give him a flashlight because playing with it usually distracts him. It didn't. Instead, he hit me in the face with it as hard as possible, leaving a bruise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 060
You deserved it 24 986

Same thing different taste

Top comments

um,kid hits you hard enough to leave a bruise = spanking.


average_girl 0

next time give him a nerf ball.. sheesh when a kid is having a tantrum.. avoid sharp/dangerous objects

Probably not an FML... but what a ******* brat. God, this site really shows what assholes kids can be.

Islander_fml 5

If a kid is throwing a temper tantrum, never ever give them what they want! If they're going to make things unpleasant, there is no reason why you should try to placate them. Just put him in his room and let him scream until he stops. Then he'll realize that a temper tantrum will do nothing.

What kind of kid would do that? Two words: BOARDING SCHOOL. You shouldn't be beaten by your own children, my god!

hit him back with the flashlight. It will teach the brat a lesson

MCart_fml 0

Never give anything throwing a tantrum something that can be used as a weapon. This is like giving someone having a mental breakdown a baseball bat. Common sense fail. YDI.

aww babyy got a bruisee? suck it up.

this should go on failblog, not FML. I can see it now. Retard gives 2 year old flashlight and gets a bruise, Oh and she put it on FML. lol you fail.