Keep it to yourself

By oops - 30/11/2011 14:15 - United Kingdom

Today, in a store, an obnoxious woman, swearing loudly and slapping at her out-of-control kids, was disrupting the whole place. I said to the cashier, "That nasty woman should leave the brats at home." She gave me a filthy look and said, "Do you mind? That's my sister." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 861
You deserved it 19 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't think I would have admitted that if I was the casher. lol


shouldn't you have kicked them out I don't the manager would want someone scaring away nice peaceful customers

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

I feel sorry for the kids. FTL. I'd hate to be related to those ppl lol

no, I'm sorry, how is that your place to make a comment about another person? that cashier should have been bitter with you even if it wasn't her sister.

redmane 21

Then how is it your place to judge OP? You made a comment about another person just like OP did. People have a right to speak their mind. Some keep it quiet, like a wimp, and some choose to just not give a shit what others think of their opinions. So either be a coward or be heard.

rudegirlmania 10

107, except that OP said the comment behind the mom's back. And then posted an FML after she realized the comment might be passed on...very courageous. I'm all for speaking your mind but don't be a bitch. Tell them to their face

Yeah 'cause people really have nothing better to do than get into arguments with random strangers. That woman sounds like a crazy bitch. I would not confront her, I don't need that drama bullshit. OP said something to the cashier, who should be able to do something about that woman making a scene. Even if it was her sister.

bigtaytay 13

Just wrong place wrong time wrong person, bad coincidence. It happens

Well maybe if you werent a stuck up **** you might think before speak. Do you even have a kid? If you do and you say your kids never done that, then its obvious you give them whatever they want lol

Agreed! I have two and a husband who is deployed all the time! We all have bad days! Poor lady..... Can't even go to the store with out being criticized .

The lady is PHYSICALLY ABUSING HER KIDS IN PUBLIC, swearing loudly around paying customers, and her damn sister is not doing anything about is. She has a right to judge since she is being a bitch in public, I mean who goes to a store where you sister works and SWEAR AND REPEATEDLY SLAP their kids with people around who might be willing to call the authorities on them? I guess you're being the stuck up ****, since you can't see the side of the employee...

Poor LADY? Excuse me, but that is NO lady. A lady doesn't swear at or slap her kids to discipline them. The kids went that wild from learning how to act from their mom. If that is how she conducts herself, it is no wonder they were acting up.

I have a kid! He doesn't always get what he wants and he behaves well! Some parents just don't know how to raise a child!!!!

You idiot! I have 2 kids, i don't give them everything they want. And they would NEVER act like that in or out of public. It's bad parenting that gets a kid to act like this. And you never swear at your kids! There are many instances of horrible parenting in this scenario. I would have called dhs!

perdix 29

"Do you think you can handle my purchases better than your sister handles her spoiled-rotten brats?"

The cashier was still far more classy in her comment than the OP by her own statement. So yes, the kids may have been unruly, but the OP may have poor judgment in assessing their behavior.

The kids are still brats sister or not. And the moms still a douche sister or not

As a mother of 2 myself, we all have bad days and your kids WILL embarrass you at times. Maybe she was a single mother and couldn't leave them at home? Maybe she was up all night because one of them was sick. You shouldn't judge a mother who was actually trying to control her kids and discipline them despite what others would think.

There is a difference between discipline and abuse. Smacking and swearing at your kids in public isn't disciplining.

Just because she is having a bad day doesn't mean she is an abusive mother. I don't agree with swearing at your kids no. But until you have kids and take them somewhere and they misbehave and your are humiliated , don't judge a mother when you don't know the situation .

There is no excuse to hit your kids, EVER. I don't care how bratty they are being, it's wrong and they don't deserve it.

We are all entitled to our opinions. I do spank my children. Not often, I don't believe in that as the only form of discipline but i do spank them. I will not be a doormat to a three year old and disrespect in my house is a no no. And children aren't "bratty" either. They are kids. She is wrong for calling them brats. They are being kids!

That's right, they are kids. You are their mother which means they are supposed to trust you and be safe with you. If you can't discipline without physical abuse then you must not be a good mother. There are better ways to deal with disrespect. I have a child on the way and I refuse to make the same mistakes my father made.

I will judge a mother when they act like that in public. If she is treating her kids like that in front of people, who knows how nasty she is behind closed doors. Abuse could be curbed if people spoke up for the kids when this happens. Before you ask, yes, I was abused as a child. There were signs as well as public displays and no one stepped up for me. I will not ever ignore a parent acting like this because my abuse could have stopped if someone wasn't too chicken shit to act when they saw it.

cmars3 - I think you're being a little narrow-minded here. Not all children deserve spankings, and not all children who were spanked grow up to be psychopaths. Some of them, myself included, grow up to be well-adjusted adults who still love their parents, despite the spankings. Some children just don't respond to timeout and conversations. Telling someone that she isn't a good parent if she can't do it without spanking is short-sighted and petty.

I agree that kids deserve to be spanked. But there is a line between abuse and spanking. Spanking isn't intended to bruise/hurt/maim the child, it's meant to teach a lesson. I was disciplined as a child and I'm about as normal as they come. People now a days are way to sensitive about disciplining their children and the kids grow up to be assholes. The op's story is obviously abuse though.

Would you rather have your kids listen to you out of respect or fear? Spanking doesn't make them respect you, there are better ways and if you can't think of any, there are people who can help.

I was spanked as a child and I turned out fine. There's a difference between spanking and abuse.