Joker brain

By Anonymous - 15/10/2013 21:48 - United States - Round Lake

Today, my boyfriend dumped me for knowing more about Batman than he does. He's only seen some of the movies, and as a kid my dad owned a comic book store. He still doesn't see why I should know more, because I'm a girl, and "girls aren't supposed to know about superheroes." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 677
You deserved it 4 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're better off without a sexist idiot anyway.

You should hit him with your batarang for his sexism ;)


Uh you deserve such a better geek. NEXT!

why would you want to date a toddler that acts that way? you're better off without him

Ouchhh. Thats rather harsh and extremely sexist. You should probably be glad, you wouldnt wanna be with a sexist guy like that anyway.

He obviously doesn't appreciate your geeky side. That's a problem nowadays. When girls go to conventions, and they just happen to be beautiful and love to cosplay, guys and other girls sit there and judge them for not being a "real" geek. I understand there's hardcore gamers and ones that just sit for hours playing COD or GTA V and never play anything else. Hardcore gamers are more into collecting and have a large array of different games. My advice to you: find a guy that knows just as much as you about geeky things and appreciates that about you. These guys aren't that hard to find, you just have to know where to look. :) Good luck my friend, and may your inner geek find happiness!

mein_blut69 15

As a gamer I approve of this advice. Find a guy who can appreciate your geek side. Trust me, there are some guys who find girls into geeky things attractive and encourage it.

senornasty 3

wow why cant i find a woman who likes batman

I put your life sucks but the fact is your dating a boy not a man so you kinda deserve it

If it means anything OP...with your knowledge about superheroes, I think you're pretty awesome! he just sounds like a jealous douche!

mein_blut69 15

Wow, kind of dodged a bullet there in the long run. What a wanker your boyfriend turned out to be.