Joker brain

By Anonymous - 15/10/2013 21:48 - United States - Round Lake

Today, my boyfriend dumped me for knowing more about Batman than he does. He's only seen some of the movies, and as a kid my dad owned a comic book store. He still doesn't see why I should know more, because I'm a girl, and "girls aren't supposed to know about superheroes." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 678
You deserved it 4 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're better off without a sexist idiot anyway.

You should hit him with your batarang for his sexism ;)


It's obvious he's a dumb Ass. Don't.sweat it babe you can find someone 10 times better.

deadshep 2

if a girl knew more about batman then me id propose right there :p

Sexist remarks. Give him a slap in the face girl!

His lost I mean my girlfriend doesn't know much about them but see loves learning more about with me so. I don't see why he was a dick.