Joker brain

By Anonymous - 15/10/2013 21:48 - United States - Round Lake

Today, my boyfriend dumped me for knowing more about Batman than he does. He's only seen some of the movies, and as a kid my dad owned a comic book store. He still doesn't see why I should know more, because I'm a girl, and "girls aren't supposed to know about superheroes." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 677
You deserved it 4 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're better off without a sexist idiot anyway.

You should hit him with your batarang for his sexism ;)


Good riddance ... Now go find a nice guy. I know it's hard for girls to do so, but maybe, just maybe, skip the arsehole idiots next time.

Just because he said one sexist thing doesn't mean OP could've known he was an arsehole. Things like that, ignorance and subtle sexism, can be so ingrained in even the nicest people that there's no way to know until they start talking about it. Of course there could have been red flags but we don't know what the guy is like in the rest of his personality. Not that I'm excusing his behaviour of course.

SuperMew 22

We also don't know how long they have been dating. It could have been a week or two years.

don't worry you'll definitely find someone better than that sexist....and someone who'll know more about barman than him!!

DenBriZel 31

Well he's a loser. I think you got the better end of that deal.

Your dad owned a comic book store?! That's awesome. And now that you're single you can find someone who isn't a total asshat! Maybe someone who also knows about other superheroes besides Batman.

I agree with a lot of the comments. Interests and hobbies should not be gender specific. But shopping will always be a lady thing. That no one can do better in my opinion. But yea OP you are better off without him and you will find someone that appreciates you for you.

You've obviously never gone shopping with a homosexual male before.... Any and all stereotypes aside, your comment was an asinine one. I know many males that like shopping, and also many females that dislike shopping. Saying that "shopping will always be a lady thing" is just as intelligent and sensible as saying that "masturbating is something only males do." Or "only men like/play sports." It's really stupid to just make sweeping generalizations like that.

SuperMew 22

Did you know, before 1920, the color pink was for males, and blue was for females. But I suppose pink will always be a female thing? Did you know that men (called dandies) used to be very stylish, straight, make-up wearing, fashion loving, and women did not really have huge say in fashion because men owned and paid for most things?

I have multiple female friends that DESPISE shopping, and a pretty good number of (straight) male friends that love it. **** you and your gender stereotypes.

You rendered your earlier statements invalid with the shopping remark. You basically just pulled an "I'm not sexist, but...." As a girl, I detest shopping. Vaginas do not automatically mean you like throwing money every which way. That being said, I feel sorry for the girls in your life.

On the bright side, there's going to be hundreds of men hitting you up after they read this FML! ;)

justmeCee 16

Very true #1. She is way better off without a sexist jerk like that. Don't be too upset though Op, he did you a favour by showing his true colours that he believes that men are somehow superior. This is a recipe for a future abusive relationship. Him being jealous over you having more knowledge on a subject is a jerk thing to do. Instead, he could of asked you to tell him all about Batman, watch the movies, show him your comics...anyways..don't bother wasting your time with him if he asks for you back. He already basically told you who he is and sounds not worth the headaches. I'm sure you will find someone else that will respect you, and find it cool that you know so much about Batman.

How old is this guy, 5? The way I see it, man or woman, an avid comic reader/enthusiast is a friend of mine, even if they know more than me, it just means I get to expand my knowledge and be more in touch with my nerdiness. You're better off.

JMichael 25

And how old is this fella? Cuz he acts like he's 9.

InsaneBolt 7

Huh? He broke up with you over that? You are better off without him if he is that overdramatic. Also I would find it awesome to have a girlfriend who knows a crapload about super hereos!... one would think that if he is interested in super hereos that this would bring you two closer together.