
By XoxoChula - 22/03/2013 05:41 - United States

Today, my dad came out of jail. He showed me his tattoo of a Bible on his chest with all his 13 kids' names on it. I'm the only one whose name is spelled wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 020
You deserved it 3 077

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In jail AND can't even spell his kid's name right... Your dad sounds like quite the fella!

perdix 29

Is your name Vasectomy, because your dad evidently cannot spell that either?


13 kids, well the Lord did say be fruitfull and multiply. He got all exponential about reproduction I guess.

challan 19

Does that make up for all of the commandments he must have broken to get into jail? Yes, I lied, stole, cheated, killed and coveted my neighbors wife, but at least I multiplied!

challan 19

He skills have taken advice from Spock instead of the Bible... Live long and prosper, cause with 13 kids he's broke.

Why is everyone assuming this guy was a Christian before he went to prison? Has it occurred to no one that perhaps he became a Christian after that happened?

Fail tattoo and fail spelling. Since he's in jail he might have a failed life, but of course I can't know that.

13 kids that he knows of? :P Did "Papichulo" leave space to add more kid names? I know a few ex cons. First thing they did when they got out of jail-- was got laid!

"Chula" is Spanish slang for-- sexy or beautiful. (:

I was gonna say "Well,at out of 13 kids,he's gonna end up forgetting how to spell it.:I" but it would look like I'm copying you.

Garrett, I am pretty sure OP's dad was not tattooing himself. So FHL for having an illiterate guy do his tat.

You try spelling 13 kids names right and see how easy it is? I mean especially if they all have names along the lines of 'XoxoChula'

mokielove 10

at least he didn't forget you. better your name spelled wrong. your dad loves you. most people don't have fathers or mothers.

I might be a little rusty on my sex-ed, but don't you need both a father and a mother to make a baby?

I think your perspective is a little skewed...

Everyone has a mother and a father. A lot of people may have absent parents but I would not say most.