
By XoxoChula - 22/03/2013 05:41 - United States

Today, my dad came out of jail. He showed me his tattoo of a Bible on his chest with all his 13 kids' names on it. I'm the only one whose name is spelled wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 020
You deserved it 3 077

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In jail AND can't even spell his kid's name right... Your dad sounds like quite the fella!

perdix 29

Is your name Vasectomy, because your dad evidently cannot spell that either?


sugarshane007 20

Oh come on, you act like he was involved in the naming process!

blame his inmate who did the tattoo ,your father's intention was good though

Because having your name spelled correctly on the skin of a bible-thumping ex-con is clearly important.

Hey, that bible-thumping ex-con is her father!

I'm sorry, how did you get that the dad is a bible-thumper out of this? Did you read an FML that the rest of us didn't?

It says "his tattoo of a bible" so that's where I'd assume they are reading it from... Or am I just as confused reading the wrong fml too??

I understand that they got it from there, but saying that the dad is a bible-thumper is a big jump to make from that. It's like saying because you have a tattoo of your mom you have an Oedipus complex, or if you have a tattoo of a child you're a pedophile. It's a huge assumption, and you know what they say about assumptions...

65- is this news to you, that people get tattoos in prison? Also, it could have said "my dad is in jail and has 13 kids. FML" the rest is just adding insult to injury.

I think there's a difference between having a tattoo of a child cause you're a pedophile and a bible cause your a bible thumper, it's the social mentality of it My goal isn't just to sound like a bitch here but I do agree that there are some assumptions taking place but people typically will get tattoos of things they strongly believe, are passionate about, care about etc. (so its probably a safe assumption that the dad both believes in the bible and cares about his kids).

69-I agree what you say, but there's a difference between reading the bible (or being religious) and being a bible-thumper, which implies that you're bigoted and a zealot. That's all I'm saying.

72, I'm guessing he found Christianity in prison. There's a lot of religious outreach in prisons. The people who run prisons often let pastors, priests, rabbis, etc... visit and talk with prisoners because it usually has a positive effect on the prisoners' behavior if they convert. It seems to me that OP's dad had found faith and in doing so had realized how important his children are to him... If this is true then personally, I'm happy for OP and good father, but it's just a shame that one of their names is spelled wrong on his tattoo. But people make mistakes, even when it comes to tattoos, and if he got that tattoo in prison, whether it was he or the tattooist who screwed up, it clearly wasn't the first mistake that person made.

107, I agree that a tattoo doesn't make up for the things he did wrong, but perhaps it is a manifestation of a change in him as a man. Hopefully that can lead to healing and forgiveness in his relationship with his children and a better and happier future for everyone involved... But still, that's a pretty embarrassing mistake that's inked into his skin, and hopefully he can get it fixed soon.

Well, OP, at least your dad recognizes you're different than the other dozen! It's like the DaVinci code- you stand out because he spelled your name wrong!!!

At least he loves his children so much to tattoo their name on his chest.

sugarshane007 20

Yes, because this is a great substitute than actualy showing love.

challan 19

Right on 23... Or staying out of jail to support them.

Is it just me that thinks "dad in jail" and "13 chil'ren" trumps "spelled my name wrong"?

Between jail and a Bible tattoo, you think the tattoo is worse? Are you really that hostile towards religion?

13 kids , a dumb tattoo and can't even spell his child's name right? Yea sounds like a real winner. My tax dollars are probably taking of him now....

420Zombie 17

maybe he did forget and just got massively lucky on his guess lol. "what was that last one's name again....? **** it just write Dave "