
By XoxoChula - 22/03/2013 05:41 - United States

Today, my dad came out of jail. He showed me his tattoo of a Bible on his chest with all his 13 kids' names on it. I'm the only one whose name is spelled wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 020
You deserved it 3 077

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In jail AND can't even spell his kid's name right... Your dad sounds like quite the fella!

perdix 29

Is your name Vasectomy, because your dad evidently cannot spell that either?


Don't expect him to spell your name right if he is in jail and has 12 other kids haha what a winner!

lucyy123 14

Okay um shouldn't you appreciate the fact that he remembered your name?? And "dad in jail.." Plus "13 kids..." And the spelling bothers you more than your dad having been in jail?

This will come in handy later on, if he gets in more trouble and the police question you. "No, officer, that's not my name on his tattoo."

13 KIDS?! Whoa! He's definitely been "on the inside" before.

You should get a tattoo of a heart & in it, " mom & cat" oops....Sorry cat....err...dad.

I hope he realises the irony in that tattooing is condemned in the bible by Leviticus.

In his defense, it might have been the tattoo artist who made the mistake, not him.

Oh im sorry you are offended that a tattoo artist in prison is not great at spelling..

But if the name is like Steve or Stephen then the dad should know the spelling.

Well it's better to have it spelled wrong than not having it on there at all