It's true, though

By humiliated - 20/03/2016 11:54 - United Kingdom - London

Today, at the supermarket, I picked up a pack of toilet rolls, at which point my 5-year-old daughter turned to me and screamed, "A CLEAN BUTTHOLE IS A HAPPY BUTTHOLE!" in front of a dozen other people. I have no idea where she heard that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 133
You deserved it 2 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sp00derman 23

She got that from the Charmin Ultra Plush toilet paper commercials... DUH


The kids I babysit for agree with your daughter. It's okay, she's 5, at least you know that there's something she'll always clean up.

corky1992 33

Embarrassing for you, hilarious for everyone else.

I wouldn't call that embarrassing, I'd call that adorable, and good hygiene :)

Dodge4x4Ram 46

this kid is going places. maybe not college but places.

That overused joke doesn't apply here

Kids say the darndest things don't they

I don't really see anything wrong with that. I'm sure people would understand

DeadxManxWalking 27
TacoCat15 10

Could have been worse. When I was 5 i wanted a Barbie doll and when mom said no and I asked why, she mumbled "because Barbie's a ****". Little me then proceeded to run around the store yelling " MY MOMMY SAID BARBIE'S A ****!!" XD

If your mom were to post an FML she would totally deserve it lol.