
By InconsiderateMuch - 16/06/2013 18:11 - Canada - High River

Today, my boyfriend bought another expensive bong to go with the one he bought last month, along with his new phone, airsoft gun, and various other things he's blown our money on this year. He's bought nothing to prepare for our son, though, who's due next month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 416
You deserved it 27 525

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Honey. He obviously does not care about his son. I say leave him because you don't want someone like him raising your child.

I'm not going to lie, and I'll accept whatever thumbs down this gets. Both OP and her boyfriend are complete and utter irresponsible idiots for smoking pot with a baby on the way. You don't smoke or do drugs when pregnant. I don't know if OP smokes, but if her boyfriend does, then the baby is getting some too.


I really have a hard time blaming the guy when you are the one chose to have sex with him, and who got knocked up by someone like that (protection or no protection, you're pregnant, end of story). My rule of thumb for people who choose to have sex with someone is to ask yourself beforehand:"if I get pregnant by this person, will they be someone who can help take care of the child?" Because when you're out ******* around, there are really only two things to think about: STDs which don't wash off and half of 'em stay with you for life, or pregnancy. These are facts people, no way around them.

Martinez0285 28

for a father to be... his priorities seem to be a bit off

Since the chances of OP answering this particular FML, and then answering this particular question, are slim, everything's just speculation. I think the previous commenter picked up on that and merely gave what seemed like the most likely hypothesis to him, opening up a debate on the matter since we were never going to be able to get more than assumptions.

You know, in some people's cultures (including my own) it is really bad luck to buy stuff for the baby before it is born. It should be done when it is born or just after (using borrowed things in the mean time if need be). Unfortunately here though it seems that your boyfriend needs to grow up and get his priorities straight. Perhaps you should introduce some way of controlling his finances and spending to stop him buying this stuff? And you should also make him realise that he cannot use the bong when the baby is born.

I get what you are saying, but I also get why you were voted down. If it was in fact their culture, there are ways of getting around it... like SAVING money or having someone else store it. (In the store it case, my one friend's hubby had that cultural stigma where baby stuff pre-baby was a bad luck thing so she got what they needed and then left it at someone else's house)

olpally 32

Just when I think people can't get any worse, they do. Jesus ******* Christ!! Leave his ass! You're better off raising that baby on your own then with that selfish bastard.

Hopefully. We have no way of knowing she isn't just as bad. I just hope the baby ends up in a loving home. A side note to OP do NOT have another baby with this childish man unless he makes a 180 after this baby is born.

Either you keep track of finances or get rid of him...he will not give a rats ass about your son...

gameover18 17

WOW. You sure know how to pick them.

Sounds like someone needs to make better decisions. And, that someone would be you.

And this is why you don't date douchebag swaggots.

LemonLolly 10

I advise, in your best interest, to leave him. He is not ready to be a father, and a lack of proper fatherhood can ruin a child. I'd know, my father was even worse than that.