
By InconsiderateMuch - 16/06/2013 18:11 - Canada - High River

Today, my boyfriend bought another expensive bong to go with the one he bought last month, along with his new phone, airsoft gun, and various other things he's blown our money on this year. He's bought nothing to prepare for our son, though, who's due next month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 416
You deserved it 27 525

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Honey. He obviously does not care about his son. I say leave him because you don't want someone like him raising your child.

I'm not going to lie, and I'll accept whatever thumbs down this gets. Both OP and her boyfriend are complete and utter irresponsible idiots for smoking pot with a baby on the way. You don't smoke or do drugs when pregnant. I don't know if OP smokes, but if her boyfriend does, then the baby is getting some too.


leave him. no debate about it. that should not be around a child. its how mass murderers are made.

Have a talk with him OP. Maybe he is having his breakdown in a way because he may not be ready to be a father, has doubts being a good father, afraid of failing, etc. Or he really could be another shitty guy.

It's a nice thought, and I respect it, but it still doesn't excuse OP's boyfriend's irrational behavior. Nervous or not, he needs to face his responsibility as a father and provider. For some, there's no help, but perhaps he'll come around when the child is literally in his hands.

wow... send him my way I'll get his priorities straight sometimes men need to be shown and told that there are consciences for stupidity.

This is part of the reason I would never get involved with a pothead, in my experience they tend to be lazy selfish assholes who don't go far in life very fast.

Grade A father material right there.

Honey, I have been in your shoes. Leave NOW. It's harder to get over it when you end up wasting years thinking they'll change. They don't, they usually get worse. Don't waste your life, do what's right for you and your kid, leave the jerk to suffer the consequences of his decisions.

hate to say it but ydi for allowing such things to happen.

brittyed 11

maybe he's not worth it. if he doesn't smart up after the baby arrives, then leave him and file for child support and make his money go to something useful!