I did not see that coming

By Anonymous - 23/08/2015 16:46 - United States - San Francisco

Today, at my sister's wedding, I got my 15 month-old son to 'sign' the big guest book. I gave him a pen and was hoping for a cute little squiggle or something. But no, he managed to draw something that looked uncannily like a big swastika. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 015
You deserved it 13 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Felt like I read this exact fml a few years ago or last year

gatorgirl7563 22

1) Grab color-matching pen. 2) Scribble-swirl pen on paper, beginning where son's swastika lines ended. OR Educate people that, historically, the swastika has been a world-wide symbol of good luck, fertility, and prosperity, which is why Hitler chose the symbol in the first place and so is actually nothing to be ashamed about since no one in your family has any affiliations with Nazi or Neo-Nazi organizations, then wish your sister and brother-in-law well in their new life together.

IAmClay 24

Good thing the original meaning was well intended