I did not see that coming

By Anonymous - 23/08/2015 16:46 - United States - San Francisco

Today, at my sister's wedding, I got my 15 month-old son to 'sign' the big guest book. I gave him a pen and was hoping for a cute little squiggle or something. But no, he managed to draw something that looked uncannily like a big swastika. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 015
You deserved it 13 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I don't see the bad thing about that... yet again I'm 1/4 German and damn proud of it! hail Hitler

Pretty sure there are a few 'bridezillas' out today! I think it's a gorgeous gesture, guest books are not made to be perfect, they're made to be treasured and enjoyed, and I'd think anything my nephew managed to put in one was sweet - even if it happened to resemble a swastika! Obviously a two year old does not have any idea of the meanings behind it and had no intention for it to come out that way, hopefully your family can just laugh it off as a toddler moment :)

PePziNL 20

Make something else of it? At highschool a friend and me once stumbled on a swastika somebody scrabbled on a chair; he quickly changed it into the Windows logo.

I have to say. I have nephews and nieces. And I love them and I love my brothers. But if one of them intentionally let one of them scribble on an important book like my wedding memories book. I'd be furious. Let the kid scribble on a piece of paper, fold it up with a sweet note and put it between the pages of my book. Folks, not everybody thinks your kids are as cute as you do.

In India, Swastika is considered a holy symbol. We would have been proud and happy if that had happened in India

Not many people know, but Swastika is actually a Hindu symbol of peace. The ******* Nazis defiled it. Good luck OP!

its_tuesday 6

Well you deserve it for having a baby in the first place, let alone giving it a pen to sign a guest book.

huehuebrbr 5

Maybe because 15 months isn't one year?