I did not see that coming

By Anonymous - 23/08/2015 16:46 - United States - San Francisco

Today, at my sister's wedding, I got my 15 month-old son to 'sign' the big guest book. I gave him a pen and was hoping for a cute little squiggle or something. But no, he managed to draw something that looked uncannily like a big swastika. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 015
You deserved it 13 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments


dannidoll93 24

Why's everyone saying YDI? I think it was a really sweet gesture on your part to have your sister's nephew make a mark in her book to show that he was there on the day, and one that she'll probably treasure when he's older. Hope you managed to turn the squiggle into something a bit less offensive! :)

SuperMew 22

I think it was a terrible idea. No one wants their nice book messed up by a toddler. I wish parents would stop thinking its adorable when their child does something they shouldn't.

Again, it's their NEPHEW. Not a random colleague's child or something. It's adding to the memory and I definitely would want to see it if it was my wedding.

He doesn't know what he did lol, but at least you have a funny story to tell him when he gets older. If you added a few more lines onto it, it would have looked like more of a star I bet :)

This goes to show that not everyone thinks everything your baby does is the cutest thing in the world. Maybe next time don't let a toddler write in someone's wedding guest book. Probably wasn't gonna be cute to the bride no matter what he doodled in the book

It was the bride's nephew, of course she would have found it cute. She'll probably still find it funny.

What's with all the negativity, I'm not particularly a baby person either, but come on, having your little nephew draw something in your wedding guest book is pretty sweet.

Drawing, sure. If the nephew was three or four and drew a little stick family to represent auntie and her new husband or something, that would be cute because even if it's messy you know the kid was trying to draw something nice for you. It means something. But a one year old scribbling is not drawing and it's not cute. It doesn't mean anything because the kid isn't trying to draw you a picture, they're just going wild with the pen because it's there and they can. I wouldn't mind a family member letting their small child draw something cute in my guest book but I would definitely mind them letting their baby scribble meaningless crap into it.

As long as it's controlled, like not over five pages, I'd still like it. It doesn't matter that the baby didn't know what they were doing; it's a memory of what they were like at that age and that they were at the wedding. Hell once my parent's gave me a birthday card from our cats, complete with paw prints. They definitely didn't know what they were doing, but it was still cute and a nice memory.

Is your family Jewish? That's a game changer.

Add some more lines and make it a windmill?

kewpiesuicide 29

It was a cute idea. Just be honest!

Don't let your kids touch important things if they don't know how to handle it. (Meaning: don't let someone who can't control their own body yet, write on important things)

writergirl1029 17

I can't speak for your sister, but if I were the bride, I would have thought it was a sweet gesture. I'd rather have something personal than a bunch of boring old signatures and you guys can laugh about it later.

Nephew or not I would be pissed if someone let their toddler scribble on my wedding guestbook, way to ruin something special OP. YDI

I would never marry any one who was obsessed with the event going perfectly. A wedding isn't about how pretty everything looks its about all the friends and family showing their love and support for 2 people that are making a huge commitment. If your wedding guestbook is more important than your family trying to be sweet then Im pretty sure you are the perfect example of a bridezilla.

68, letting a baby scribble all over the guestbook seems more inconsiderate than sweet to me.

rabid_otaku 29

I would want something in the guestbook from everyone who attended. Personally, I would find it all hilarious.