How very dare you?

By minnEmouse - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I met my husband's old high school sweetheart. My mother-in-law introduced me to her as "one of my son's friends." We've been married for over eight years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 068
You deserved it 3 302

Top comments

no the HUSBAND should have butted in and said you were his wife


shutupK 0

oh the classic evil mother in law.. If i were you op i would have just madeout with him right then and there in front of all of them to lay down the law.

BooGhosted 0

For some reason I imagine an old creepy man sitting behind the screen cackling. "I have this one under my googled picture!" Not that you are.... But still!

no the HUSBAND should have butted in and said you were his wife

KVKdragon 26

and then you say "if I'm his friend, then how do I have a marriage certificate with him?"

SteelCladAngel 0

or "you're right, but I prefer to e introduced as his wife" while finding a notsosubtle way to show off your ring a fake little *ahem* cough and using your left hand to cover your mouth

what an awful thing to happen to an old bat well alzheimers happens to people of her age......

TylerzMB 0
lendalynn 5

Your mother-in-law either has short term memory or is just an asshole and doesn't want her son to be with you. But really, you should of grabbed his arm and said, ''Yeah, we're great friends.'' And then make out. That'll teach her.