How very dare you?

By minnEmouse - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I met my husband's old high school sweetheart. My mother-in-law introduced me to her as "one of my son's friends." We've been married for over eight years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 068
You deserved it 3 302

Top comments

no the HUSBAND should have butted in and said you were his wife


Yet another case of a mother in law not liking her sons wife. You'd thing mothers would learn to trust their children and just let them be happy. What a bitch. I'd definitely be asking my husband to have a talk with his mom about at least acting civil to you and treating you with respect.

brad036 0

Sounds like she's a champ! Think if my mom ever does that to my wife "if I ever marry" I'd have to completely break her down. Ask if shed forgotten to take her meds again and brag on the love of my life. lol. And agree with the idea if making out in front if em to.

blacksswan 10

I hope I find a man who does this for me because I am pretty sure my next MIL might be evil too.

if only every guy thought like you -_-. mother in laws *shudders* I'm getting married and not looking forward to THAT.

lisha88 1

time to find a new family lol

well obviously he has known her for more than 8 years, and his mom might have Alzheimer's or something? probably not but there's a chance! (I LOVE MY PROFILE PIC)