How do I put it?

By weswithaute - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my daughter asked me how to spell "Orange". "O-R-A-N-G-E," I replied. Without missing a beat, she says, "No, I mean the colour, not the fruit." She's 16. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 773
You deserved it 7 996

Top comments

For her next lesson, tell her the colour brown is spelt S-H-I-T.

IKickPuppiesHard 16

Beat her with a bag of oranges till she understands.


Pretty should put her in medical school

jaredofmo 22

Oh, my... There are some dumb girls in Australia. (My Aussie friend tells me one of his sisters is the same.)

blondebrunette11 4

Blonde guys are hot... LOL jk(;

If she is go for it. Maybe she will be happy to be called Mrs. Orange.

pittpsu75 0

She is a few colors short of a rainbow.

gigglebot11 0

Says the one who misspelled 'color'

Fun fact # 12 - the whole world does not use American spelling for words. OP is from Australia, which uses British english. Another example is mum (or mom for you).

IrishSoulja 4

The Americans didn't invent the English language dumbass

Well she is from Australia , that's how they spell 'color' with a 'u'

why do idiot Americans think the world revolves around them? You didn't create English, you don't own the world, and your way of doing things has always been the stupid way.

#119, it's one thing to correct one stupid commenter, it's another thing to judge an entire country based on him. I'm American, and I don't think my nationality makes everything I do stupid. BOTH spellings are correct AND incorrect depending on the country you're in. Fun fact: although some English people are apparently claiming to have invented the English language, you should realize that you haven't. Australian English, British English, American English, and Canadian English have all undergone roughly the same amount of changes. Modern British English is NOTHING like it was 600 years ago-- same for American English. In fact, the English spoken by Shakespeare may have had what we now consider an old-fashioned southern American accent. Crazy shit! Anyway, don't judge. It's rude.

#72, don't be mean. Technically neither did Australians or modern-day English people. We've all distorted it together. Isn't that beautiful?

Why do idiot Canadians have to hate on Americans...don't hate me cuz you ain't me comes to mind :/