Historical accuracy

By laststand11 - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Lexington

Today, I had to explain to my 15-year-old son why it wouldn't be a good idea to include a picture of the red Power Ranger in his "Weapons throughout history" project. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 173
You deserved it 3 453

Top comments

Jesta05 0

personally, I would award an automatic a + for that

How dare you. Jason Lee Scott saved the world so many times. Power Rangers need to be mentioned.


You guys do realize that Power Rangers (the footage of them fighting) is taken from a 1970's Japanese action show based roughly off Spiderman. They bought the footage, cut it up and added American actors and scenes to make sense of it. So they just have the footage from these shows, they didn't make them up themselves.

Isn't The red ranger a gay **** actor now...I remember hearing that somewhere.

PYLrulz 17

Reason #1: He'll get the shit kicked out of him by bullies in school

shootxtoxkill172 0

Maybe you didn't let him finish. He was probably going to put the red power rangers zord as the weapon.

It was the mass medias weapon that made certain segments of his generation dumb?

Because the white ranger is better?

power rangers were the best show ever now its shit so if i was his techer id give automatic a+++

himynameisevan 0

It's obviously because the Blue Ranger is the better.