Historical accuracy

By laststand11 - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Lexington

Today, I had to explain to my 15-year-old son why it wouldn't be a good idea to include a picture of the red Power Ranger in his "Weapons throughout history" project. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 173
You deserved it 3 453

Top comments

Jesta05 0

personally, I would award an automatic a + for that

How dare you. Jason Lee Scott saved the world so many times. Power Rangers need to be mentioned.


Actually, that's not really true. *Some* seasons of Power Rangers were translated verbatim from Super Sentai, and others took footage, villains, weapons, etc., but in many cases the plot lines and dialogue were largely or completely different. Not all of Super Sentai translates well to American audiences, and there are a lot of things that would not fly on a kid's TV show over here . For example, in Super Sentai, the character we knew as the MMPR Green Ranger lost his powers and then *died.* And then the White Ranger, in Sentai, was from a completely different season that never fully made it to the US. There are also plenty of seasons that were at least partially original footage (i.e., not copied from Japan). So I don't think it's fair to say that PR had no originality--and hey, it's been going for almost 20 years now...not too shabby for what it is.

He should have said Tommy Oliver instead of just the red one... All him: Green Mighty Morphin Power Ranger (1) White Mighty Morphin Power Ranger White Ninja Ranger Zeo Ranger V - Red Red Turbo Ranger (1) Black Dino Ranger

Make_Lemonade 13

I would only give him partial credit if he failed to mention the following: Xena the Warrior Princess's chakram Care Bear Stare Wolverine's titanium skeleton and claws Transformers

Hey, Power Rangers are awesome! A true classic never dies. :D