Historical accuracy

By laststand11 - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Lexington

Today, I had to explain to my 15-year-old son why it wouldn't be a good idea to include a picture of the red Power Ranger in his "Weapons throughout history" project. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 173
You deserved it 3 453

Top comments

Jesta05 0

personally, I would award an automatic a + for that

How dare you. Jason Lee Scott saved the world so many times. Power Rangers need to be mentioned.


He should have selected franklin as a weapon instead. That soldier is a true killing machine.

he's 15 and still plays with power rangers? i think you have a whole other can or worms to open, other than a school project.

skyeyez9 24

If I had a 15yr old son who played with power rangers or watched the show, I wouldn't care: As long as he is a good kid, has good grades and stays out of trouble, he can play with kids toys. Not that big of a deal. Not like it is any worse than a 15yr old who plays xbox all day or on the internet nonstop.

MetalxSoldier 26

Agreed but the Original Power Rangers will always be cool!

Teachers should be cooler and more accepting of stuff like that

You're right, it wouldn't be a good idea to put a picture of the red power ranger but it's perfectly fine to put one of the white power ranger because he's the best!

FMLephant 2
DaltonP_fml 3

That would be the best project ever

The bigger question here is why a 15-year old is doing a project in weapons throughout history. That sounds like something a 5th grader would do, not someone in high school. Or has high school gotten so much more elementary since I was there?

American school systems have became horrible. The school my kids go to lacks basics, but every room has a flat screen tv. My son has been kicked out of class for raising important thought provoking ideas because he is "smarter than the other kids and makes them feel bad when they can not keep up with his thought processes.".

I have done this project in my history class Doc, school system is being dumbed down to meet the "No Child Left Behind" program.

xStaciexLynnx 15

It could have been an open ended project and that's what he chose. In one of my history classes we just had to do a project relevant to something we discussed that year in class and people did reports, made life size models, videos, etc of whatever topic interested them. If you don't think weapons are interesting to boys even at age 15, you know nothing about children.

anarchistpunk 3

Bro, you have no idea. I feel like we are in 6th grade again and some idiots Still can't explain what an independent clause is.

Well, do you expect for them to have the same storyline through a long period of time? I'm still with you on the original story though. Go go power rangers .

Why are you being so harsh on my boyfriend thats one of the things we have in common we both like the Tommy" the red power Ranger"

Ehm, Tommy was actually the green power ranger (before he turned white) with hair up to his shoulders... used to be in love with him when I was a kid ;P