Historical accuracy

By laststand11 - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Lexington

Today, I had to explain to my 15-year-old son why it wouldn't be a good idea to include a picture of the red Power Ranger in his "Weapons throughout history" project. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 173
You deserved it 3 453

Top comments

Jesta05 0

personally, I would award an automatic a + for that

How dare you. Jason Lee Scott saved the world so many times. Power Rangers need to be mentioned.


On the bright side, the community college he gets into won't be very expensive. Hooray silver lining!

Wow, the school/teacher is letting him do a project on weapons. I did a project that had a picture of a gun on it and I had to go to the principals office and school psychologist.

52, then that's your school that had the problem. If we censored all violent acts out of history classes, we'd all be idiots. Unfortunately, it seems to be how things are changing in schools.

Humor_Ran_Dry 9

OOH...you Kentucky Folks That little boy is going to be a lost ball in high weeds if you dont fix the situation NOW...hes 15!

Depends on the ranger. Some have swords and legit cannons.

Don't you mean, "Today, I realized my son is friggen awesome"

skyeyez9 24

My beloved hobby as a child was collecting Garbage Pail Kids cards. I saw them out again last week while i was shopping for my friend's daughter's b day present. Bought a couple packs for nostalgia.

The show was Super Sentai. Yea, so it wasn't completely original. So what? That doesn't change thousands of childhood memories of the Power Rangers. What is original these days? Other than books and video games, and even then MOST of them got the idea from a movie, book, or game. Doesn't make them any less amazing.