
By mahlee - 06/10/2009 04:32 - United States

Today, my college roomate and I received our first pieces of mail. We were very excited because our mailbox wasn't empty anymore. She got a package of home baked cookies in the mail from her family. I got a letter from a stranger in prison. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 447
You deserved it 3 731

Same thing different taste


ydi for joining "prisoner pen pals" then having buyers remorse.

Lay off the exclamations points! It's ******* annoying! See, aren't I annoying!

zivahlah 0

Obviously, those of you who are getting upset about the fact she was happy to get mail are still in high school, and do not understand college life therefore can not fully comprehend the significance of mail while you are far from your friends and family. Also, it is obvious that she is using exclamation points not for the sake of exclamation points to convey her excitement followed by severe disappointment about her mail. And yes, # 37 you are explicitly annoying, but not in the humorous way you wanted to be, in the ironic way you probably won't get. So I am going to continue laughing at you and your emo screen name.

i_got_it 0

Actually, I'm in college and never did I, or my roomate, bitch about mail. Thats just so stupid. Who sits around and wonders "OMG! Did I get any mail today?" No. That should be like, the last thing you worry about. The OP just seems so lame and phony, its not even funny.

zivahlah 0

To some it is a big deal, not that we bitch about it. Having mail makes you feel loved and for some, which may or may not include the OP, they might feel insecure in their new environment hence it is seemingly more devastating to them. Not that I think this a "good" FML, I feel like the moderators are more at fault. I also didn't mean to bust balls or insinuate that everyone was ignorant of college life if they did not agree, merely that it was likely the people who were giving the OP a rough time probably have no basis of empathy like someone who is in college.

You retard!! I can't even hear you and your fuking annoying!!!!

Millenium_fml 3

What the hell is wrong with exclamation points? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!???? They are used to express emotion, not to overlook them for 5 hours...

Super_klutz 0

awww, college will get better,

O.o awww, I wish I received a random letter from a stranger in prison! It would make my day!!!

Crunchy08 0

Yea, I totally uderstand the significance of mail in college. and I actually didn't notice the exclamation points until comments pointed it out. But it is kind of funny if u read it as if if were being said and the excitment just suddenly drops off. Anyways...tell your parents to get u a magazine subscriptions, that normally brightens my day when I get one in the mail, and they don't have to keep up with shipping anything.

ah man, I was actually expecting a letter from my best friend in prison and never received it! :[